Bernard Mohr
Saskia Listle

Welcome to another conversation with my future skills, the podcast where I talk with interesting people about what skills we have and what skills we need to have to be present in the future.

In this episode I talk to Bernard Mohr. Bernard is President of the CoCreating Mutual Value Collaborative,  a non-profit action research organization dedicated to helping businesses prosper through creating value that builds a better world for us all. He has worked with organizations and corporations all around the world and in numerous industries, and as a consulting social scientists focusing on strength-based workplace innovation of professional service practices. He has also served as university faculty, guest lecturer, and as dean of complex systems change at the Institute for Applied Behavioral Science. Bernard has published seven books and numerous articles dealing with organizational innovation and the collaborative co-creation of more humane and effective organizations.

So it is with great pride and pleasure that we can now present you with an amazingly deep conversation about purpose, measurements, and the purpose of measurement. A lot of mindset shifts are addressed in this conversation, as well as philosophical excursions into linguistics, facts, values, impact and numbers. We address the question of all questions: What’s our purpose in this world, as indvidual, as organization and as systems? And we try to get deeper into how this translate into value and impact, and how – if – this can be put into numbers.

I hope you enjoy the conversation just as much as I did. Here’s Bernard on the Purpose of Measurement.

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