Latest Past Events

Opening Academy Salon

I believe that none of us have (or will have) the technical skills to keep up with global change. What do we even have left to manage the unpredictability of the future?! Does the Future even lie in technical skills?   I would like to find that out with you!    I am sure: We can […]

Connection as a Future Skill

We are living in a fast-paced world, and it’s more important than ever to understand how we can harness the power of connection. However, rapidly increasing the number of LinkedIn connections says little about the level of deeply felt and nurtured connections that can actually enrich your life. Our event aims to discover the medicine […]

Academy Change Trust

The Academy Community lives through the opportunities for people to come together, express opinions and share insights. One of the common factors we hear in the conversations happening in the community is that we want to bring about true, long-lasting and meaningful change. So to organise these discussions a bit, we are starting an event […]