Laura Hoffman on Collaboration

Laura Hoffman
Saskia Listle

Welcome to another conversation with my future skills, the podcast where I talk with interesting people about what skills we have and what skills we need to have to be present in the future.

In this episode I talk to Laura Hoffman. She is a Chicago based Jazz pianist and has played in trios, quintets, and Big Bands for many years. She also played on cruise ships creating her own show. She currently teaches a lot of private students and has a publishing company for Piano Lesson Sheet Music.

In this episode – which turned out to be a very excellent lesson on storytelling – we talk about the essence of Jazz, which turns out to be very much identical to the essence of collaboration. We talk about the preparation it needs to show up well equipped and to be flexible. At the same time we discuss listening as an art form and the key factor to collaborating. And we round off the conversation by adding individuality to the special sauce.

I hope you enjoy the conversation just as much as I did. Here’s Laura on Collaboration.

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