Saskia Listle
Lily Higgins

Welcome to another conversation with my future skills, the podcast where I talk with interesting people about what skills we have and what skills we need to have to be present in the future.

In this episode I talk to Lily Higgins. Lily is a learning experience designer, facilitator, and expert in applied play. She’s the founder of The Intervention Bureau, an LXD consultancy that designs immersive learning experiences for organisations in flux. She also loves to partner with #futureofwork thought-leaders to help them create and facilitate their own signature learning experiences. Play is always at the center of her approach to designing transformational spaces; the not-so-secret ingredient that makes her gatherings uniquely vibrant and impactful.

And this is also what this conversation is about. We play around with all the flavours of play. We explore the universal human need for play and the benefits of play in learning. We also look into what happens if we do not choose play in our everyday lives.

I hope you enjoy the conversation just as much as I did. Here’s Lily on Play.

If you hear something on this podcast that sparks an idea or helps you out, we’d love it if you’d give us a little shoutout naming the Academy of Future Skills when you share it. That’s how we spread the word and keep this thing going! Thanks for being a part of this!

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