Mark Steadman
Saskia Listle

Welcome to another conversation with my future skills, the podcast where I talk with interesting people about what skills we have and what skills we need to have to be present in the future.

In this episode I talk to Mark Steadman. Mark is a podcasting veteran who began his career in 2008 by editing podcasts and helping local radio stations create on-demand audio.

In 2016, he founded a media hosting company that served millions of listeners across thousands of podcasts. After selling the company in 2021, he founded Origin, a consultancy helping change-makers build trust with their audiences through podcasting.

So with his experience in the world of audio, we talk about the power of your voice, in a quite literal sense. Taking at it from the aspect of podcasters we see them as a means to speak up, being listened to and to democratize the media landscape. There’s value to the listener in expressing yourself through your voice, which also comes from the intimacy of listening to podcasts.

Mark also hosts a podcast of his own. The show is called The Helpful Podcaster and empowers seasoned, soulful entrepreneurs to create long-lasting, rewarding relationships with their listeners. So have a listen and check it out.

I hope you enjoy the conversation just as much as I did. Here’s Mark on Using your Voice.

If you hear something on this podcast that sparks an idea or helps you out, we’d love it if you’d give us a little shoutout naming the Academy of Future Skills when you share it. That’s how we spread the word and keep this thing going! Thanks for being a part of this!

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