Welcome to another conversation with my future skills, the podcast where I talk with interesting people about what skills we have and what skills we need to have to be present in the future.
In this episode I talk to Silvia Wiesner. Silvia can look back on a 17-year leadership career in Unilever. She left her role as Managing Director Belgium & Luxembourg to join Egon Zehnder where she now works with Boards and Executive Teams on human answers to complex challenges. She is a DE&I ally and sits on the Executive Committee of European Women on Boards. Additionally, she is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, a start-up advisor and also – a Mum.
With so much experience all over the leadership and management place it was so enriching to talk to Silvia about leadership. We looked into how the meaning of the word changed as well as the meaning of the job. We’re jumping wholeheartedly into embracing emotional intelligence as another quality of leaders and how that supports us as leaders in the growing field of tension that we find ourselves in. We talk about the paradox of leadership – fix in the short term, build for the long term and how we need to have a team around us that supports us in this mission, not because they have to, but because they want to.
I hope you enjoy the conversation just as much as I did. Here’s Silvia on Leadership.
If you hear something on this podcast that sparks an idea or helps you out, we’d love it if you’d give us a little shoutout naming the Academy of Future Skills when you share it. That’s how we spread the word and keep this thing going! Thanks for being a part of this!
Resources and References
- TV Series Ted Lasso
- Commencement Speech Amy Weaver
- Book “Net Positive”
- Book “The Fearless Organisation”